McCorkle Funeral Home History

About Us
Established in 1857, our Durand, IL funeral home has stayed at this central location over the years. Purchased by Mr. & Mrs. William & Margie McCorkle on October 31, 1957, McCorkle Funeral Home transitioned from home-based funerals to funerals held in-house. As the population increased so did additional services and merchandise to honor loved ones' memories.
Expanding to Pecatonica, IL in 1981 through the purchase of Knapp Funeral Home, William initiated pre-arranged funeral plans for both Durand and Pecatonica IL, recognizing the value of pre-planning for both of the Northern Illinois communities.
In 1993, Brian McCorkle joined as a new business partner, ushering in additional services to benefit the Stateline area communities. With the purchase of Bifulk Funeral Home in Rockton, IL in 1998, our reach extended, enabling us to better serve families in the greater Rockton area. With three locations and more staff, we were able to provide enhanced services for the communities we served.
In August 2013, we acquired Kenneth L. Countryman Funeral Home in Pecatonica, IL, drawn to its longstanding tradition of small-town values and commitment to families. McCorkle Funeral Home felt this location would be complimentary to out family of funeral homes. However, as time progressed, we no longer host funerals from the Countryman location.
Throughout our journey, we've evolved to meet changing needs and preferences, understanding the importance of addressing personal wishes for funerals. As a family-owned and operated business, we understand how important the death of a loved one is to the families we serve. We prioritize providing quality merchandise, dignified service, knowledgeable staff, and integrity in every interaction.
At McCorkle Funeral Home, we honor the trust families place in us during their time of need. Regardless of the chosen ceremony, we pledge to serve with compassion and without judgment, ensuring each farewell is meaningful and respectful.